Douwe Hoekstra

Photo of Douwe Hoekstra

I am a PhD candidate at the Utrecht Geometry Centre under the supervision Dr. Álvaro del Pino Gomez. My work focusses on the h-principle and in particular convex integration as a method to prove h-principles.

My interests lie more generally within the field of geometric/differential topology. The line between geometric topology, differential topology and differential geometry is blurry and the different fields have an important interplay, but at its simplest I am interested in the interplay between the geometric structure on a manifold and the underlying topology of the manifold (or other spaces associated to the geometric structure). To name a few examples in this spirit:

  • The de Rham isomorphism theorem
  • Morse functions
  • Myers' theorem: Riemannian manifolds with positive Ricci curvature are compact
  • Smale-Hirsch immersion theorem & Smale's sphere eversion

See the contact section for information on how to get in touch.




Ancillary activities


You can reach me at d.hoekstra [at]

My work address is:
Hans Freudenthal building
Room 8.04
Budapestlaan 6
3584 CD Utrecht
The Netherlands

Other web presence

You can also find me here online: